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Disaster Flood Recovery Project

Support through Central Emergency Response Flood (CERF) to the affected population in Kerala: the United Nations with its partners in India discussed and identified priority sectoral interventions to support the response, relief and recovery initiative...

Kerala experienced the worst ever floods in its history since 1924 Between June 1 and August 18, 2018. During this period, the state received cumulative rainfall that was 42% more than the normal average. Following the devastating floods, the United Nations Disaster Management Team (UNDMT) was activated under the leadership of the UN Resident Coordinator. The UNDMT meet in frequent intervals to identify the potential response and recovery initiatives in partnership with Government of Kerala. A comprehensive Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) with the support of various sector ministries at the state level, development partners and stakeholders were undertaken to identify the damages and losses of the floods and landslides that severely affected almost seven districts in the state. The PDNA also identified three critical sectors namely, housing, agriculture and livelihoods as the worst affected due to the impact of the flood.

CERF Programme implementation by UN-Habitat:

Programme Planning of UN-Habitat included following key and interlinked activities:

- Support strengthening of the already established 10 Shelter Hubs in three programme districts of Wayanad, Idukki and Pathanamthitta through technical assistance, development of shelter operational manuals and supporting the hub team members for effective functioning of the hubs;

- Technical support in strengthening the Shelter Hubs in the three programme districts through development of operational manual for operationalization of the centers, field visits and guidance to the hub engineers and team members for effective, efficient, impactful and sustainability of the hubs;

- Training of Trainers (ToT) of selected Masons in the programme districts through hands on training on safe and disaster resilient construction practices in line with the existing housing designs and technologies in the programme districts;

- Training of Engineers (ToT) selected from various line departments to enhance the existing knowledge on disaster resilient construction practices in the state;

- Development of Training manuals for Engineers and Masons, guidelines on retrofitting of existing houses for both Engineers and Masons, development of guidelines on safe construction practices through review of global and regional housing practices on enhancing Build Back Better and Safer;

- Coordinating with various stakeholders including UNDP, KSDMA, Habitat Technology Group, Local Self Government Department, and district administration throughout the entire process of the project implementations.

Through the outcomes achieved from this project, it was planned to use the experience, knowledge and lessons learnt of the current project in other districts of the state and facilitate transfer of knowledge through the support of the government.

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